How to Retrieve Collected Device Management & Monitoring Information


  • A Valid API Key:Provisioned and provided by your platform administrator for North API.



API Endpoint


Stored Device Management & Monitoring information can be can be retrieved from platform by sending a POST request to the above defined URI, including a correctly formatted JSON document in the POST body to refine the search.

JSON example for DMM information searching
Unresolved directive in opengate-api-quick-reference-howto-search-dmm-devices.adoc - include::json/dmmExamples/opengate-north-dmm-health-bloodPressure-filter-example.json[]

Using curl to perform the request:

curl --request POST \
     --header "X-ApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" \
     --header "Content-type: application/json" \
     --data-binary @opengate-north-dmm-health-bloodPressure-filter-example.json \
     --verbose \

In the response we should see a status code of 201. Let’s look the response in JSON format.

Output JSON file
Unresolved directive in opengate-api-quick-reference-howto-search-dmm-devices.adoc - include::json/dmmExamples/opengate-north-dmm-health-bloodPressure-example.json[]