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Asset Tracking, Location and security in Spanish shipping company

Containers monitorization and supervision with OGTrack

Thanks to OGTrack, our asset tracking solution, a Spanish naval company has been able to greatly optimize loss of profits and reduce loss and lack of control of its assets.

Unified analysis of the information from all their assets to globally improve decision making

Real-time geolocation for containers, trailers, ...

Reduction of assets losses and related costs

Usage optimization of their assets and reduction of the impact of loss of profit

Use case description:

At the end of 2019 we started a pilot test in one of the largest multimodal transport and international logistics companies that exists in our country. A Spanish group that offers transportation services for conventional, special or oversized goods by land, water and air that manages more than 400,000 vehicles a year around the world.

After the disappearance of several trailers, trucks with the client’s goods, landed in the port area of ​​different European locations, the naval company required two objectives:

  • Guarantee the safety of trailers, multi-module trucks, ships, containers and their goods They want to reduce the loss of lost profits as much as possible, so it is necessary to monitor the time that trailers are on the ships, as well as carry out the unloading and loading process of new material in the shortest possible time.
  • Tracking and real-time location of assets to know all the possible information from the beginning, when the goods are collected in the warehouse, to the end, when the goods arrive at the customer’s position. This information includes: where the goods are, their status and condition, how many times and how long it stops, whether it will reach its destination on time, and so on.

In this system for remote monitoring and control of all assets, Vtrack devices are used which offer GPS location and quickly detect movement and impacts thanks to the accelerometer. In addition, it is so easy to configure the frequency of messages, meanwhile is adaptable and resistant to different temperatures, which makes VTrack devices one of the best devices for the OGTrack POC in a Box service we offer.

Communications are made by SDD, which facilitates low-cost IoT connectivity by extracting data from devices in 140 characters.

The information extracted and analyzed is visualized in our OpenGate platform that allows to control and manage all the assets in real time. We can see, for example, the number of trips made by the asset per month, when it is stopped and how long, which allows us to improve the time on the move, create alerts when an unforeseen movement occurs, which may be due to theft or when stopped time is over certain parameter to protect the lost profit of the supplier.

With the OGTrack tracking solution, this naval company has achieved the exhaustive control and remote management of assets in real time (containers or goods), analysis and data visualization of all assets from a single platform, reduce loss of profits by creating alarms at the time of delivery for returning container process by customer and to avoid and minimize the disappearance and theft of trailers in the port areas.

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