Official Papers of the MEWS Project where amplía))) Participates

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Official Papers of the MEWS Project where amplía))) Participates

Official Papers of the MEWS Project Published

We are pleased to announce that the official papers of the MEWS project, an initiative dedicated to the prediction, detection, and notification of avalanches using IoT and AI technologies, have been published. These documents represent a significant advancement in the research and development of early warning systems that can save lives and minimize material losses in mountain areas.

The published papers are as follows:

  1. Paper in RJTS Applied Mechanics:

  2. Paper in IEEE Xplore:

These papers detail the results of the conducted research, the methodologies employed, and the technological advancements implemented in the MEWS project. We invite everyone interested in the fields of geotechnics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things to read these documents for a deeper understanding of the achievements made.

For more information about the MEWS project and amplía)))’s participation, visit MEWS Project and Amplía Soluciones. You can also review the project’s information that we shared some time in this link